Division of Biology and Medicine
Brown Center for Biomedical Informatics

Master of Science in Health Informatics

A graduate degree program that blends theoretical foundations with real-world applications.


The Master of Science (ScM) in Health Informatics program places a strong emphasis on practical application through hands-on projects and practicums, ensuring that learners not only grasp theoretical concepts but also gain valuable experience applicable to real-world challenges in health and healthcare.

Biomedical informatics has become a core element across the entire spectrum of biomedicine, from bench biology to medicine to development of public health policy. This transdisciplinary field “studies and pursues the effective uses of biomedical data, information, and knowledge for scientific inquiry, problem solving and decision making, motivated by efforts to improve human health.” (Kulikowski et al.

Computers and Health

The demand for individuals with formal training in health informatics, a sub-discipline of biomedical informatics, is growing rapidly, particularly in light of national emphasis on electronic health records (EHR), artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, learning health systems, clinical and translational science, healthcare reform, population and public health surveillance, and global health. Opportunities and careers in health informatics exist in a broad range of environments including clinical care and research, personal health management, public and population health, health policy, and translational science.



The ScM in Health Informatics program consists of a combination of coursework and practicum experiences, which are organized into seven major competency areas:

  1. Health and Healthcare
  2. Data Science
  3. Social and Behavioral Science
  4. Health Information Technology and Digital Health
  5. Professionalism
  6. Leadership
  7. Team Science


The program aims to provide foundational and applied training for learners with diverse backgrounds, interests, and career paths (e.g., computer science and data science graduates, medical students, clinicians, and other health professionals). The adapted curriculum for each learner involves participation in and engagement with the following four components:

  1. Courses
  2. Projects and Practicums
  3. Seminar Presentations, Journal Club Discussions, and Workshops
  4. Community Resources and Events


The ScM in Health Informatics program is designed to be completed in 2 years (4 semesters) or at an accelerated pace in 1 year (2 semesters and 1 summer). The latter would accommodate undergraduate students interested in the Fifth-Year Master’s Degree option or medical students who could take a leave of absence to participate.

Template Schedule of Courses and Thesis Work (Two-Year Program)

Fall ISurvey of Health Informatics
 Acculturation to Health and Healthcare
 Foundations in Statistics for Biology and Medicine
 Master's Thesis: Topic and Literature Review
Spring IMethods in Informatics and Data Science for Health
 Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
 Master's Thesis: Proposal
Fall IIEvaluation of Health Information Systems
 Health Informatics Practicum
Spring IITopics in Health Informatics
 Master's Thesis: Thesis and Presentation

Template Schedule of Courses and Thesis Work (One-Year Program)

FallSurvey of Health Informatics
 Evaluation of Health Information Systems
 Acculturation to Health and Healthcare
 Foundations in Statistics for Biology and Medicine
 Master's Thesis: Topic and Literature Review
SpringMethods in Informatics and Data Science for Health
 Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
 Topics in Health Informatics
 Master's Thesis: Proposal
SummerHealth Informatics Practicum
 Master's Thesis: Thesis and Presentation

Program Directors

Program Faculty

Learn More

To learn more about the program, attend an upcoming information session or visit the application site.

Info Sessions Application Process